When you have to start college and stay long abroad, in Australia, usually students feel homesick especially those who have never traveled far and have to stay long before. Even though everything has been prepared carefully, there is still a sense of homesickness. Homesick occurs because of changes in the environment that is far different from the home environment, such as family, friends, culture, food, and others.
The question is, how to cope with homesickness while studying in Australia?
Decorate the room with photos of people nearby
Printing photos of people nearby to carry around is necessary. You can display photos of loved ones in the dorm or bring in a suitcase while traveling. Surely you won’t feel far and lonely anymore. For those who are studying abroad, putting up photos of the closest people can certainly be a motivation to quickly finish their studies so they can go home quickly.
Look for local food
Homesick can also be triggered with appetites that are different from that country, especially for you who have rather tricky tastes. So, you better prepare your favorite foods that you can eat if you miss your country’s food.
Visit the embassy
It could also be that you homesick because you don’t meet people who come from the same country and miss chatting in your mother tongue. That’s why, once in a while, you can play at the embassy to just taste your country cuisine again, feel the ambience of or even chat directly with people there.
Stay up to date with news in your country
Even though you are far from your country, you also have to be up to date with developments in there. For example there is a gubernatorial election in your city, or even if there are developments or even disasters that occur so that you will not feel “too far” from your home.
Join students comunity
Usually, stufents abroad start their social life and struggle by associating with other students from the same country. By joining this, you will not be homesick anymore, instead who knows will get roomate or friends spending the weekend together. They also regularly holds national events in your country, or even praying together at the embassy.
Get acquainted with people around
One of the triggers of the homesick is not feeling met a friend who fits to chat. Don’t forget to be bounded with local friends at your school or class! If you already feel fit, you must forget the homesick.
Learn more about the country and its culture
The feeling of homesickness may be increased because you feel unfamiliar with the place you are visiting or living in. If you already feel very close and comfortable with the country you are visiting or leave it, surely you will “feel like home”. There will be no homesick, your people already feel at home.
Busy yourself
Missing home is a sure thing. But you still have the choice, you know, to enjoy every day in the place where you live. Besides, you can’t suddenly buy a ticket home. Or even, your studies have only been going halfway, how come you want to go home?
So as not to miss the house, you can keep busy for example by joining various associations. If you enjoy it and lots of activities, there is definitely no time to homesick.
Share knowledge of place of origin
There are many other students from places you have never visited before. You can share stories about culture, customs, traditions, to special habits that exist in your place of origin. By telling them where you are from, you will feel close to home. In addition, you can also increase knowledge by exchanging stories like this, because you become aware of the culture from the place of origin of other friends. Exciting right!
Keep in touch
If you miss home, just contact via skype, whatsapp, line, and various other communication media. Surely your homesick will recover. But remember not to spend most of your time doing this! You can let go of miss, but you also have to interact more and do other activities together with your new friends.
Take care of your health
Health is very important. Away from home, the closest person who can remind you to take care of your health is you! Get enough sleep. Because if someone lacks sleep, that person will be easier to be mad, offended, and miss home. In addition, by getting enough sleep and consuming healthy food every day can make you have enough energy to deal with heavy days at school / campus. These healthy habits can also help you avoid illness and depression.
Make your place comfy
The decor and layout of your room is as comfortable as possible. Small items that you display in your room, such as photos of your girlfriends, friends, best friends poster, favorite music groups can be a pleasant reminder of your home.
Talk to people
You can pour out your heart to someone who can understand how you feel. Sometimes, sharing with fellow students who have experienced homesickness and successfully overcome them will greatly help you to overcome these problems. Just ask how he cope. People who have the same experience as you, will usually find it easier to understand how you feel.
Accept reality
Each country has its own ‘personality’. When you have decided to settle down, accept reality. You don’t have to forget your hometown, but it’s better for you to start “make yourself a new home”.
Stay focus
Focus again on your original purpose of studying in this country. To get a degree, get the best achievements, successful research, and so on. Focus on your initial goal, and of course it will make your mind become busy and forget the feeling of longing. But, that doesn’t mean you guys don’t socialize. Socialization is also important.
So, above all else, make new memories with your new friends there. Having fun is not a sin. The experience of exploring nature, climbing mountains with new friends will surely be an unforgettable experience. Life is so precious. So dont be too sad if you’re homesick!